The New Big ‘Prepper’ Is Making Waves

In a world where unpredictability is the new normal, it’s not just the everyday citizen who’s preparing for unforeseen circumstances. Recently, tech mogul Mark Zuckerberg has been giving off strong survivalist vibes, a move that resonates deeply with our prepper community. His recent outdoor activities and strategic investments hint at a growing trend among the elite, particularly tech CEOs, to gear up for potential global disasters.

Zuckerberg’s Instagram posts have become a window into his new hobbies, which include raising cattle and engaging in catapult competitions. His post with the hashtag #AlwaysBeBuilding and a video of a catapult in action certainly raises eyebrows and curiosity. But it’s not just about quirky hobbies; there’s a serious undertone to these activities. It all ties back to being self-sufficient and prepared, key tenets for any prepper.

The billionaire’s steps towards self-reliance became more evident with the news of him constructing a 5,000-square-foot underground bunker on his sprawling 1,500-acre estate in Kauai, Hawaii. This move, reported by Wired in December, is a significant indicator of his mindset. Such a bunker is a classic feature in the prepper playbook, representing a safe haven in case of major disasters.

His interest in sustainable living is further exemplified by his venture into cattle raising. Zuckerberg is not just raising any cattle; he’s chosen Wagyu and Angus breeds, known for their high-quality beef. He even plans to adopt the unique practice of giving beer to these cows, a technique used to stimulate their appetite, as noted by beef producer Blackmore Wagyu. This approach to self-sustenance aligns well with the prepper philosophy of not just surviving but thriving in any scenario.

Zuckerberg’s recent activities shed light on the increasing trend among tech billionaires to embrace prepper practices. Whether it’s building bunkers, raising cattle, or gearing up for hypothetical scenarios, these actions speak to a larger narrative of self-sufficiency and readiness. As preppers, there’s much we can learn from their approaches, reminding us that preparedness transcends social and economic boundaries.

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