Category: Featured

The Essential: Building A 72 Hour Basic Emergency Preparedness Kit

Make No Mistake This Is The Most Dangerous Part Of A Disaster, Make Sure You Are Ready

We watch movies that often have these striking plot lines of the heroes getting through a disaster as things crash down around them. For example, in the new movie on Netflix, "Leave the...

The New Big ‘Prepper’ Is Making Waves

In a world where unpredictability is the new normal, it's not just the everyday citizen who's preparing for unforeseen circumstances. Recently, tech mogul Mark Zuckerberg has been giving off strong survivalist vibes,...

Don’t Forget Your Pets Preparedness Kit

In our lives, pets are not just animals; they are cherished members of our family. Their well-being is as paramount to us as our own, especially in times of crisis. Unfortunately, many...

It’s Not The Only Skill You’ll Need But It’s The Most Important One

Having the ability to start a fire is more than a convenience; it's a vital survival skill. No matter if you are a prepper, suburbanite, or bush crafter fire is essential when...

Is SHTF? Most Recent Development In Red Sea Concerning

In recent developments that demand our attention, Iran has made a significant move by deploying the Alborz destroyer to the Red Sea. This strategic decision could potentially escalate tensions in the Middle...

It’s An Important Skill & It Could Save You & Your Family’s Life

Imagine the scenario. A wildfire is raging and it's moving too fast for first responders to keep up. Open roads are being consumed by fire. You've been frantically driving but the roads are...

An Essential Prepper Item, It Better Be In Your Toolkit

In the world of preparedness, every item in your toolkit is a crucial component for ensuring long-term survival and resilience. Among these, Mylar bags stand out as a versatile and indispensable resource....

It’s Becoming A Lost Art, This Skill Is A Must

With all the GPS apps out there people are losing the lost art of navigation. One of the other things I've noticed is that reliance on these apps has even hurt people's...
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