It’s An Important Skill & It Could Save You & Your Family’s Life

Imagine the scenario.

A wildfire is raging and it’s moving too fast for first responders to keep up. Open roads are being consumed by fire. You’ve been frantically driving but the roads are blocked by fire and destruction. You turn down an open street only to have the police tell you there’s no way out of town. But you know there’s an ally you can drive through and get out of town, so you apologize to the officer and gun it safely, getting your family out of town.

Well, that happened – not exactly- but many of the people who survived the wildfire in Maui ignored barricades and made a break for it.

It is very important that regardless of where you live, you know the best escape routes.

Most of us drive home from work on autopilot, making turns and adjusting speeds without a second thought. It’s a routine so ingrained in our muscle memory that we hardly notice it. But, have you ever considered what you’d do in an emergency if these familiar paths were suddenly unavailable, especially if you couldn’t use your vehicle at all? It’s crucial to have a bug-out plan that’s adaptable and creative.

For those of us in rural or suburban areas, we often take for granted the ease of driving everywhere. Yet, there’s a whole world beyond these paved streets that could be crucial in an emergency. Knowing your area by foot could be a lifesaver.

Think about it – can you traverse your neighborhood off-road? Could you cut across fields or through backyards to reach another road? These are the questions we need to ask ourselves. A post I read recently discussed the importance of having a bug-out vehicle capable of going off-road. Imagine being stuck in a traffic jam with a roadblock ahead. What’s your move?

This is about extending our usual emergency plans a step further. Spend a few hours every now and then surveying your neighborhood. Whether it’s creeks and woods or alleys and buildings, there are always options if you look closely.

Have you examined your immediate surroundings lately? Who has fences, and who doesn’t? What about the patterns of your neighbors? And don’t forget about tools like Google Earth or Google Maps. They can offer an aerial perspective, revealing details you might miss on the ground.

Effective preparedness isn’t just about having a plan; it’s about having multiple plans, including those for the most unexpected scenarios. Knowing your neighborhood inside out – not just the roads but every possible path and obstacle – could be the difference between being stuck and making a timely escape because it could save your life.


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