What Is The 95/5 Rule?

It’s never been truer that preparation is the key to surviving any emergency. Preppers are no exception. While prepping for large-scale and catastrophic disasters requires a higher level of preparedness, preppers should not overlook the importance of preparing for smaller-scale emergencies.

These smaller-scale emergencies make up 95% of all emergencies. In many cases, the skills attained through readiness for the every day can be crucial during large-scale, dire times.

One of the critical components of being a prepared prepper is to realize what types of emergencies are more likely. For example, car accidents, natural disasters, and even bad weather are more likely to occur than large-scale disasters such as EMP attacks or food shortages. Even TEOTWAWKI (the end of the world as we know it) events often belong in the bottom 5%, according to experts.

That’s why preppers need to be prepared for a variety of emergencies. It’s all too easy to become consumed with prepping for the highly improbable, only to discover that being unprepared for more likely scenarios is the prepper’s downfall.

For example, while creating an evacuation plan for a house fire may seem mundane compared to preparing for a zombie apocalypse, it’s just as critical. It provides insights into how to evacuate quickly and safely during a larger-scale catastrophe.

Additionally, preppers should not overlook the importance of learning basic life-saving skills. Knowing first aid, CPR, how to redirect traffic around a scene of an accident, and even how to protect yourself during bad weather can be the difference between life and death during both common occurrences and cataclysmic events.

The bottom line is for preppers to train and equip themselves for both minor and major emergencies. They are both equally essential. Learn evacuation plans for everyday occurrences, have a go-bag ready and waiting for unlikely yet still possible scenarios, and practice basic life-saving and self-defense skills.

In the end, preparing for minor emergencies will make a prepper much more capable of handling dangers in their everyday life and better prepared for the totally unexpected.

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