Plants that Repel Mosquitoes and Enhance Your Garden

A Natural, Safe Way To Repel Mosquitos.

plants that repel mosquitos

Are Mosquitoes Taking Over Your Garden? Here’s How to Use Natural Repellents to Fight Back.

Mosquitoes are the bane of many people’s existence. Their buzzing can be unbearable, and they carry various deadly diseases.

Chemical deterrents are popular but can be dangerous for humans and animals and leave behind a bad smell. Fortunately, there is an eco-friendly and safer alternative. Plants that act as natural repellents.


Citronella is one of the most well-known mosquito-repellent plants. It is a type of grass that emits a citrus scent, which masks the attractants that draw mosquitoes towards us. Citronella can be grown in pots or your garden, and you can also crush its leaves and rub them on your skin to keep mosquitoes away during outdoor activities.


Lavender is another effective mosquito repellent. Its pleasant fragrance confuses insects, making them less likely to be around. And, not to mention, it attracts beneficial pollinators, enhancing the overall biodiversity of your garden.



Basil is a versatile herb and a great addition to any garden. Its intense aroma masks the attractants, which can help keep mosquitoes away. Crush some leaves and rub them on your skin, or plant them around outdoor seating areas and doorways.



Marigolds are beautiful, low-maintenance flowers that contain compounds used in insect repellents. Plant them near doorways and in vegetable gardens to keep mosquitoes away.



Rosemary is an aromatic herb that repels mosquitoes and tastes fantastic as an ingredient in dishes. Plant it in pots or near outdoor seating areas for maximum effect.



Catnip contains a chemical known as nepetalactone, which can be up to ten times more effective than DEET, a common chemical insect repellent. Just be aware that it may attract cats, so plant it cautiously.



Peppermint is another member of the mint family that isn’t a fan of mosquitoes either. Its strong scent keeps these pesky insects at bay. Crush some leaves, rub them on your skin, or plant them around outdoor seating areas.

The Bottom Line

Incorporating these plants into your garden or outdoor spaces can create an effective natural barrier against mosquitoes. Not only do they repel mosquitoes, but they also add beauty, fragrance, and culinary delights to your surroundings.

Remember that these plants can help reduce mosquito presence, but they may not offer complete protection. Consider combining these natural solutions with other preventive measures like eliminating standing water, using mosquito nets, and wearing appropriate clothing. Get rid of those pesky mosquitoes with the power of natural repellent plants.

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