Survival Steve


5 Places You Shouldn’t Go When SHTF

When disaster strikes, there are certain places you definitely want to steer clear of. We've witnessed it during the pipeline outage in 2021, the devastating hurricane Katrina, and the pandemic - there...

The Quiet Tsunami Taking Over America & It’s A Good Thing

Joel Salatin, a renowned agriculturalist and author, has taken a hiatus from blogging to pen his latest book, "Homestead Tsunami: Good for our Country, Critters, and Kids." The book seeks to address...

Sure You Prepped, But Here’s The One Thing You MUST Do Or Else

If you consider yourself a prepper, survivalist, homesteader, or bush crafter, chances are you've gathered all the necessary equipment and honed a range of skills for potential SHTF or TEOTWAWKI scenarios. But...

When SHTF How To Get Out Of The City

Ever wondered how to lose a tail in the concrete jungle? Navigating through an urban landscape requires more than just knowing your left from your right. It's about mastering Urban Evasion Techniques. This...

The Silent Killer Many Peppers Forget To Prepare For

When we think of someone perishing due to extreme temperatures, the image that often comes to mind is of an individual stranded atop a mountain or falling through ice. While these scenarios...

Biden Admin Declares Emergency In Six States, Food Market Braces

The Biden administration has declared a grazing emergency in six states. Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Missouri, and Nebraska have several counties that qualify for emergency grazing or haying. The United States Department of Agriculture...

Survival Steve
