Category: Featured

The Essential: Building A 72 Hour Basic Emergency Preparedness Kit

Simple Survival Trick For Your Freezer

Preparing for unexpected situations can be a daunting task. One area that people tend to overlook is planning for a power outage. When a power outage occurs, refrigerators, freezers, and other modern...

What Is The 95/5 Rule?

It’s never been truer that preparation is the key to surviving any emergency. Preppers are no exception. While prepping for large-scale and catastrophic disasters requires a higher level of preparedness, preppers should...

The Stupid Thing I Did Winter Hiking, Tips Not To Be An Idiot Like Me

Winter hiking can be a breathtaking and exhilarating experience, with snow-covered landscapes offering a serene and pristine beauty. One of the best things about it is that you are more than likely...

Here We Go Again: ‘Unusual’ Illness From China Shows Up In US

Hey everyone! Today, let's delve into a somewhat alarming yet important topic - the recent surge in childhood pneumonia cases in China, as highlighted in a Nature article. The latest outbreak in...

What Just Happened To A Hospital Network Is Why You Prepare For Power Grid Failure

They may call you crazy but this is why it is wise to prepare for cyberattacks. What happened to a medical system could have been a catastrophe. In an era where technology intertwines...

Better Stock Up! Areas Of US BRACE It’s About To Get Nasty

Buckle up folks, it's about to get nasty. The onset of winter has brought more than just a chill in the air for over 3 million Americans, who now find themselves under Lake-Effect...

The Modern Age Gives Us Something New We MUST Be Ready For

In an increasingly digital world, industrial facilities and critical infrastructure are becoming more connected than ever before. While this connectivity brings numerous benefits, it also introduces new vulnerabilities. An industrial cyber attack...

Meet The Bunker Community, Bug Out Here!

Nestled amidst the sprawling, emerald hills of Fall River County, South Dakota, not far from the majestic Black Hills, lies a remarkable underground survival community like no other. This is the realm...
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