Category: Survival Tips

US City Falling Apart? Fast Food Chain Bolts Now Medical Giant Warns Employees

Tap Water Quality Concerns In America

Tap Water Quality Concerns in America When most of us turn on our faucets to get water for drinking, bathing, and cleaning, we take it for granted that this liquid is safe. However, recent...

Tanning Hides – A Step-by-Step Guide to Preserve Animal Skins

Discover the timeless craft of tanning hides to create highly practical and durable leather. Learn how to transform raw animal skins into beautiful and functional materials, from clothing to furniture. This guide...

Beginner’s Guide to Going Off-Grid

Privacy in the Age of Digital Technology Now more than ever, our lives are intertwined with technology. We utilize it for entertainment, communication, and conducting business. But this digital age also brings concerns,...

How You Can Save Money Stockpiling

These days, emergency preparedness is getting a lot of attention. In the face of natural disasters, financial uncertainty, and other threats, it’s clear that having a proper emergency food stash is an...

How To Survive A Shark Encounter

Let's talk about shark attack prevention or, worst-case scenario, how to survive when a shark attacks. Experts advise that when it comes to surviving shark attacks, a proactive approach is far better than...

How To Communicate After An Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP)

In the event of an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) attack, society as we know it would face a devastating and potentially irreversible collapse. In the immediate aftermath of an EMP, entire populations would...

How To Prevent Packages From Being Stolen

In 2021, the rise of online shopping has made it easier for people to access the products they need without leaving the comfort of their homes. Unfortunately, this convenient way of buying...

How To Escape Duct Tape Bindings

Duct tape, the cheap and flexible material used for everything from repair and construction to home décor, is a staple in many homes. However, duct tape isn’t just innocent and helpful. It can...
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