How To Fix A Big Problem In The Prepping World

So, you’ve decided to embrace the wild world of prepping, but there’s one small hitch—your partner couldn’t be less interested in stockpiling canned beans or learning how to purify water with a homemade contraption.

It can be a point of contention in the prepping world however most come around after the first big snow storm or power outage.

But fear not, dear prepper! We’ve got some tongue-in-cheek tips to nudge your significant other toward the land of readiness, even if they’re currently camping out in the land of indifference.

1. Communicate Openly (Without Rolling Your Eyes):

Sure, the idea of discussing the impending apocalypse can sound as appealing as a root canal. But instead of launching into a doomsday monologue, go easy. Talk about the importance of being ready for a extended power outage instead of the alien invasion. Listen to your his/her concerns, even if they include eye-rolls and sighs. Remember, it’s all about teamwork!

2. Start with Baby Steps (No, Not Zombie Baby Steps):

Introducing your partner to prepping doesn’t mean you need to create a bunker in your backyard overnight (but it would be fun). Start with small, non-intimidating tasks like organizing a basic emergency kit. Think of it as a gentle initiation into the world of preparedness.

3. Find the Prepping Perk That Piques Their Interest:

Not everyone finds joy in meticulously categorizing freeze-dried food or plotting escape routes. Instead, identify prepping elements that align with your wife’s hobbies or passions. If she loves the great outdoors, frame prepping as an excuse for more camping trips and wilderness adventures. Go hiking to a romantic location only using a map and compass.

4. Attend Workshops and Classes:

Sure, sitting through a survival skills seminar might not be everyone’s idea of a fun date night, but you never know—it could be a bonding experience. Plus, you might discover your partner has an unexpected knack for building a fire using only a flint and their impressive wit. My oldest daughter is a natural when it comes to starting a fire using primitive skills, she hated this stuff. But now whenever we camp she’s in charge of the fire and she loves it.

5. Sell the Benefits:

Discuss the practical perks of prepping, like how it can make you both feel safer during emergencies or how it reduces the panic during power outages. Leave out the part where you envision yourselves battling zombies in a post-apocalyptic wasteland—baby steps, remember? But don’t worry she’ll come around, I mean come one who wouldn’t want a zombie battle.

6. Involve Them in Decision-Making (Unless It’s About Which Apocalypse Movie to Watch):

Make your partner part of the prepping process by asking for their input on supplies or plans. Deciding on the best bug-out location together could be your version of a romantic getaway.

7. Be the Prepping Role Model (Cue Heroic Music):

Sometimes, actions speak louder than words. Show your commitment to prepping by leading the charge and demonstrating its value in everyday life. As your partner watches you stash away non-perishables or whip up a homemade water purification system, they might start to wonder if they’ve been missing out on the fun.

Which leads to my last point.

8. Make it fun. 

The more fun things are, the more he/she will want to get involved. Plus it will turn prepping into a great lifestyle you both can share together.

Remember, converting your partner into a prepper won’t happen overnight (unless, of course, it’s a zombie apocalypse night). Be patient, keep the mood light, and avoid forcing the issue. Who knows, with a little humor and creativity, you might just find yourself with a prepping partner in crime sooner than you think!

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