Sure You Prepped, But Here’s The One Thing You MUST Do Or Else

If you consider yourself a prepper, survivalist, homesteader, or bush crafter, chances are you’ve gathered all the necessary equipment and honed a range of skills for potential SHTF or TEOTWAWKI scenarios. But have you ever truly put yourself to the test?

Homesteaders, in particular, know the value of testing their systems. As they cultivate their own food, they often encounter challenges that require troubleshooting. Just about every homesteader has a story (or something similar) of a batch of meat birds going bad.

No matter how much food, gear, and supplies you have, or how extensively you’ve researched, the question remains: will your plans actually work? Have you put them to the test? Have you allowed the unpredictable nature of life to reveal any weaknesses?

That’s precisely why testing your systems is crucial. Neglecting to do so could have dire consequences if chaos ensues. So, take the time to evaluate, refine, and validate your preparations. Your diligence will pay off when it matters most.

There may come a time when a catastrophe challenges us physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Deep down, we all sense that this day may arrive during our lifetime. In light of this, it is imperative that we explore, understand, and learn our own limits, regardless of our comfort zones. By putting ourselves to the test, we can establish a baseline for how we may react to any apocalyptic event that may unfold. Recognizing and embracing our limitations does not diminish our worth; rather, it is wise to seek them out now, before the world becomes even more unpredictable.

There are numerous ways to challenge yourself and test your preparedness. For instance, consider taking alternative routes, such as secondary and tertiary highways or backroads, when driving to your bug-out location. If you find yourself in the desert, rely solely on the supplies you have buried as you navigate using your cache map for three or four days until you reach your bugout destination. Another option is to simulate breakdowns or roadblocks by taking dry runs in your truck and then continuing on foot when necessary.

Remember, there were stories that many of the people who survived the Maui fire did so because they ignored the barricades to escape.

These exercises will not only enhance your readiness but also provide valuable insights into your abilities and limitations.  Like going on a hike with your kids carrying their 72-hour pack for miles and miles.

You may consider an even simpler approach – have you ever attempted to sustain yourself solely from your food storage? Could you manage it for a week or perhaps a bit longer?

Putting your system to the test could be as easy as going to a crowded area and having a friend try to keep tabs on you.

If you live in an urban area and you have plans to walk out, how far can you go carrying your stuff?

Maybe you’ll discover that you need to get a small storage unit outside of town as an emergency staging area so you don’t have to carry as much. Plus if things really go bad you don’t want to be seen being well supplied in a disaster area. That can be a sure way to get robbed or mobbed by people who may be desperate. Better to get to a staging area and resupply.

We glorify prepping as an end-of-the-world type of readiness but how ready are you for your road trip to Grandma for Christmas when a snowstorm strikes early?

A great way to test your system is to check to see if your car has supplies for a simple winter road.

The point is systems need to be tested so that should the worst happen, you’re ready.

Let me share a personal story that almost had serious implications.

One of my daughters was born with a terminal illness. As she grew older, she required a tracheotomy and a ventilator for assistance. Despite these challenges, we made it a priority to take her to various places and give her the best quality of life we could. One weekend, we decided to visit my in-laws’ cabin located in the serene woods of central Pennsylvania.

Unfortunately, during this particular journey on a quiet rural highway, she encountered a mucus plug in her trach. To us it would feel like your mouth and nose were completely blocked with boogers, making it almost impossible to breathe. Swiftly, I pulled over to the side of the road, while my wife sprang into action, and I grabbed the “go bag” we always kept handy (bag you carry in case of emergency for people with trachs).

With the other three kids in the minivan, we found ourselves performing a trach change right there on the roadside. These unexpected situations are not uncommon for families with children who have trachs. We required more oxygen than usual and panic struck when we realized the gauge on the tank broke, and we were almost out of O2. But, just for road trips I put a smaller O2 tank in the minivan for emergencies.

Boy did that tank come in handy.

Why did we need an additional tank? Because life once put us to the test, and we narrowly averted a catastrophe. We promised never to let something like that happen again.

Testing your systems is important because it allows you to identify any potential weaknesses and make necessary adjustments. It also serves as a validation of your preparations, giving you peace of mind that you are truly ready for whatever may come your way.

So, push yourself out of your comfort zone and put your systems to the test. You never know when it may save your life or the lives of those you love.

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