Category: Survival Tips

US City Falling Apart? Fast Food Chain Bolts Now Medical Giant Warns Employees

How To Layer Up Properly To Stay Warm And Dry In Most Conditions

Staying Warm in Cold Weather: Layering and Material Basics for Hypothermic Prevention Cold weather presents an extreme challenge for outdoor adventurers and can quickly put them in danger of hypothermia. Knowledge and careful...

The Best Way To Start A Fire Without A Match. Period.

Yes, I know I just made quite the statement. But it is how I feel. While there are various methods for fire starting, I find using a magnesium block as one of the most...

Cheap Way To Stop Rodents From Invading Your Supplies

It almost seems like as soon as you have chickens, mice and rats seem to just pop out of thin air. They can make a mess of animal feed if you don't store...

3 Things To Prepare For 2024

There's a lot of talk about 2024 and how people are getting ready. However, the steps below are good preparedness goals no matter what year it is. 1. Get Chickens: Egg Layers and...

Simple Survival Trick For Your Freezer

Preparing for unexpected situations can be a daunting task. One area that people tend to overlook is planning for a power outage. When a power outage occurs, refrigerators, freezers, and other modern...

The Stupid Thing I Did Winter Hiking, Tips Not To Be An Idiot Like Me

Winter hiking can be a breathtaking and exhilarating experience, with snow-covered landscapes offering a serene and pristine beauty. One of the best things about it is that you are more than likely...

The Ultimate Bug Out Drill That All Will Enjoy

Practicing survival skills is a common topic among preppers. However, getting your partner and kids (if you have them) excited about a 'bug out' drill might seem challenging. But, my wife and...

The Prepping Skill That Can Be The Most Difficult

In a world filled with uncertainties, the idea of self-reliance and individual preparedness often takes center stage in the prepping community. While personal preparedness is undoubtedly crucial, it's equally important to recognize...
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