Category: Survival Tips

US City Falling Apart? Fast Food Chain Bolts Now Medical Giant Warns Employees

It’s An Important Skill & It Could Save You & Your Family’s Life

Imagine the scenario. A wildfire is raging and it's moving too fast for first responders to keep up. Open roads are being consumed by fire. You've been frantically driving but the roads are...

It’s Becoming A Lost Art, This Skill Is A Must

With all the GPS apps out there people are losing the lost art of navigation. One of the other things I've noticed is that reliance on these apps has even hurt people's...

Unleash Your Inner Houdini: How to Escape Zip Ties

When it comes to tying someone up, zip ties are a tool some criminals use as they are cheap and rugged to break out of. Unfortunately, this means victims can find themselves...

How To Use Plastic Bags For Survival

Plastic bags have long been a go-to item for many households for shopping trips and other errands. However, the problem is these bags end up in landfills with very little chance of...

The Only Thing You Need For Food Security

Well may not the only thing but pretty darn close. Pigs! No, not like a farm scale, just a couple. Securing a reliable food source is paramount. Among the myriad of options available to preppers,...

In The Woods? Master This Skill, It’s Paramount

Do You Know How Far You’ve Traveled? Find Out with Pace Count Beads. We often take traveling for granted without thinking much about how far we’ve really gone. However, knowing your travel distance...

Crazy Video Proves Why Having Some Sort Of A Bunker Can Be A Good Idea

As society relies more on technology, it can lead to disastrous consequences. It may seem odd to have a bunker or storm shelter until you wish you had one. Recenlty, Clarksville, Tennesee was hammered...

When SHTF This Is One Skill You MUST Have. Start Now

Bartering Could be a Key to Survival in a Post-Collapse World An economic collapse could leave people in a world where cash is worthless and bartering rules supreme. Bartering, or trading goods and...
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